Lidded Vessel with Images of an Open Hand, Northern Guatemala or Southeastern Mexico, Maya, 580–700, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, purchased with funds provided by Camilla Chandler Frost

From the Collection: Lidded Vessel with Images of an Open Hand

May 8, 2018
Megan O'Neil, Associate Curator

The artist of this vessel used multiple painting techniques, including resist painting, first applying an orange undercoat and then using wax or resin to block out areas around which other colors were painted. During the firing, the resinous material burned off, leaving the lighter painting visible. The artist also used incising to outline the images and inscriptions and to give texture to the vessel. Abstract designs and the dedication text frame two hands; with palms visible, they appear to grasp the vessel, conveying the tactility of handling this heavy, textured object.

View this vessel in the Art of the Ancient Americas galleries, Art of the Americas Building, Level 4.