As 2010 closes out this weekend, so too does one exhibition—Eye for the Sensual. It’s last day is January 2, so this weekend will be your last chance to see these beautiful works of European art from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. While you’re here you can also see Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico, which LA Times critic Christopher Knight named one his ten favorite exhibitions of the year.

Olmec, installation view
In addition to those two, there are also six other special exhibitions on view right now. Take an opportunity to look in on some of the smaller installations we have going on right now, too. The R. B. Kitaj installation is a nice companion to Steve Wolfe on Paper; the Japanese Abstract Expressionist installation might make an interesting complement to Blinky Palermo and Color & Form in BCAM. Also inside the Pavilion for Japanese Art is The Expressive Brush—paintings created by Zen monks as a kind of medication practice.

Sengai Gibon, "Kanzan and Jittoku," 18th–19th century, gift of Murray Smith
Among the modern art permanent collection is a small installation of drawings by George Grosz, the self-proclaimed “saddest man in Europe.” Take the elevator up to the top floor for Yek, do, se (1, 2, 3): Three Contmporary Iranian Artists—Bahman Jalali, Yassaman Ameri, and Samira Alikhanzadeh.

Samira Alikhanzadeh. Untitled, 2009, purchased with funds provided by Anousheh and Ali Razi, and Mrs. Charlene S. Kornblum and Dr. S. Sanford Kornblum through the 2010 Collectors Committee
As usual, we have free docent tours every day, so you can also drop in, see what’s on tour, and maybe take in a part of the collection you might not otherwise have visited. Take a chance!
Happy New Year!