Tonight is a sold-out special event exclusively for members of LACMA members, and/or members of LACMA Film Club, Film Independent, or the New York Times Film Club—Glenn Close will be here in person for a conversation with Elvis Mitchell. They’ll discuss her long and astounding career on stage, television, and film, including her latest film, Albert Nobbs, which will screen following the conversation. (No more tickets remain... this is why you need to be a Film Club member!)
Andell Family Sundays returns from its holiday break with a new theme for the month of January, inspired by the Chinese New Year. Celebrate the Year of the Dragon by checking out Ai Weiwei’s large, outdoor Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads and get inspired to make masks, or other animal-inspired art. Don't forget, Andell Family Sunday activities are free for the whole family.

Ai Weiwei: Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads, installation view, © Ai Weiwei, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA
Sunday evening, pianist Joel Fan will perform pieces by Scrianbin, Rachmaninoff, and Gershwin for our free Sundays Live concert series.
And of course we have many exhibitions on view! Edward Kienholz's Five Car Stud is closing next week, with Glenn Ligon, Mural Remix, and Contested Visions in the Spanish Colonial World all closing soon after.
Scott Tennent