Photo © Museum Associates/LACMA


November 28, 2017
Caroline Maddox, Assistant Vice President, Development

In 2012, the 92nd Street Y in New York City created #GivingTuesday to bring focus to the charitable season in the days leading up to the holidays. #GivingTuesday is now celebrated by organizations around the globe, and it harnesses the collective power of people and technology to create positive change within our communities through philanthropic giving.

Please join us in this global movement by making a gift to the LACMA Fund today or by sharing your #LOVE4LACMA on social! 

As the County museum, it is LACMA’s mission to ensure that everyone has access to the arts and to cultural opportunities. LACMA Fund enables us to achieve this by providing support for the many educational programs on our campus and beyond that enrich hundreds of thousands of lives in our diverse and vibrant community.

Thanks to the generosity of Louise and Brad Edgerton, Edgerton Foundation, today is an especially good time to give: they have committed a matching gift of $25,000 to the LACMA Fund this season, which provides an opportunity for you to double your impact.

In addition, any person who donates $15 or more today will receive a LACMA tote.  

LACMA Fund gifts are critical to continuing our first-rate arts education programs, and we cannot carry out this central part of our mission without you. Thank you!

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