About two years ago artist Hadley Holliday decided to draw all the flowers she could find in LACMA’s permanent collection. It took about 15 months. She made thousands of drawings throughout the museum. She found flowers in almost every collection area. Some she found easily, like tulips in a Dutch still life or water lilies in Monet’s famous paintings. Others were hidden, like a lotus flower draping the shoulders of a bodhisattva, or within the design of a Maya bowl.

For Andell Family Sundays in August, Hadley is leading an art workshop based on her flower project. On a ginormous roll of watercolor paper 10 yards long, Hadley drew flowers from her sketchbook.
This is a really long drawing!

Families are invited to collectively add color using watercolor paint or colored pencils. Or both!
Why do you think that for as long as humans have made art, we have decorated many of our favorite things with flowers?
For extra fun, Hadley created a playful guide to some of her favorite flower works of art. You can pick one up at her workshop or at the Andell Family Sundays welcome table.
Flower Tour continues every Sunday in August! To participate in this workshop and other family-friendly projects inspired by flowers in the collection, drop by on Sundays in August. Andell Family Sundays welcomes visitors on August 13, 20, and 27 from 12:30 to 3:30 pm on the L.A. Times Central Court.