Installation photograph, Dining with the Sultan: The Fine Art of Feasting, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, December 17, 2023–August 4, 2024, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA

Take a Tour of Dining with the Sultan: The Fine Art of Feasting

August 2, 2024
Linda Komaroff, Curator and Department Head, Art of the Middle East

In my experience as a curator at LACMA, during the comparatively short time that one of my exhibitions is on view to the public, my pleasure in seeing the project fully realized and in observing the reactions of our visitors always compensates for the long years spent in its preparation. Nonetheless, there is also a bittersweet feeling as the exhibition draws to a close. Such is the case now with Dining with the Sultan: The Fine Art of Feasting (on view through August 4). While the exhibition has a longer life through its catalogue, reading it is different from seeing the objects on display and in relation to one another. On that account, for those who may have missed seeing the exhibition (or who, like me, want to revisit it whenever the mood strikes) we can offer this brief video tour.

Dining with the Sultan: The Fine Art of Feasting is on view in the Resnick Pavilion through Sunday, August 4, 2024. The companion exhibition Dining with the Sultan at Charles White Elementary School is on view through Sunday, August 10.